Privacy Policy

Updated on: 30/08/2022

Your privacy is important, which is why we want to be transparent about what we do with your personal data.

This policy applies to users of the website as well as customers and aims to provide information to data subjects as required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Here you will find information about the personal data we collect about you, how we process your personal data, for what purposes your personal data is or will be used and with whom it is shared. We also explain how you can control how your personal data is used.

Who is responsible for your data?

The person responsible for processing your personal data as described in this policy is RLE Invest NV, whose registered office is located at 389 Chaussée de Tervuren, 1410 Waterloo and known under the company number 0656.907.259 legally represented by its managing director. RLE Invest SA is responsible for all data processing that takes place within the framework of the organization of team buildings, events in our locations, catering services and on the website.


How do we collect your personal data?

We collect your personal data via our contact forms, quotation request forms, online application forms and newsletter registration forms directly on our website, as well as when you request a quotation via e-mail or by phone.

Tero also collects data via cookies installed on its website, for more information we invite you to read the cookie policy

What personal data do we collect?

We collect the following data:

  • contact information you provide when filling out our online forms (such as your first and last name, email address, phone number);
  • your preferences for receiving sales/marketing information
  • information collected via cookies as defined in our Cookie Policy

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

Personal data may be collected for the following general purposes

  • Management of the site
    For more information on the processing of your personal data in the specific context of cookies, please see our Cookies Policy
  • Customer relationship management
    • Provision of requested information (via the contact form among others);
    • Invoicing and accounting
    • Preparing the contract to be concluded with you, executing it and providing you with the requested service
  • Commercial management
    • In order to send you commercial communications by email
  • Improve our services
    • In order to send you satisfaction surveys to improve our services
  • Security management via video surveillance
    • In order to insure security in closed locations accessible to the public. Video surveillance will be present in the following locations :
  • Knokke Out Waterloo
  • Knokke Out Zoute
  • Korner Ixelles
  • Recruitment
    • To assess your skills, qualifications and suitability for the position

What is the legal basis for processing?

We process your personal data in the context of the performance and management of our contractual relationship with you, our legitimate interest in improving the quality of the services we offer you or to comply with certain regulatory obligations depending on the purpose of the processing. The processing of your personal data may also be carried out on the basis of your prior consent in the event that you are asked for it.

Who will have access to your data?

Only our staff members have access to your data to the extent strictly necessary to process your request. We ensure that the persons authorized to process personal data have undertaken to respect confidentiality or are subject to an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality. These are the authorized persons in the relevant departments within RLE Invest SA, i.e: departments in charge of marketing, research and analysis, consumer panels, customer service, legal affairs, accounting and tax affairs or IT and information systems security, administrative or judicial authorities where necessary in the context of compliance with our legal obligations or to enable us to defend our rights and interests.

How long will your personal data be kept?

We will keep your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected and processed, extended, where applicable, by the duration of the applicable legal or regulatory requirements.

To determine how long we keep your personal data, we take into consideration several criteria such as

  • The purpose for which we retain your personal data
  • Our legal and regulatory obligations with respect to that personal data (for example, accounting reporting obligations);
  • Whether you are an active user of our services, whether you continue to receive marketing/sales communications, or whether you regularly browse our site or open our emails. For example, if you have consented to receive marketing communications, we will retain your personal data until you: (i) unsubscribe from receiving marketing communications; (ii) request that we delete your personal data; or (iii) when the consent period expires and you do not renew your consent;
  • Any specific request from you to delete your Personal Data or your account;
  • Any statutory limitation periods that allow us to administer our own rights, for example the defense of any legal claim in litigation; and
  • Any local regulations or guidelines (for example, regarding cookies).

Transfers of personal data

Your personal data may be transferred to external recipients authorized to perform services on our behalf who may be located in countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area that do not provide an adequate level of protection for personal data.

In order to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data transferred in this way, we take all necessary steps to ensure that such data is adequately protected, such as entering into data transfer agreements with the recipients of your personal data based on the signing of European Commission Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCCs”) or other valid transfer mechanisms.

What rights do you have with respect to this personal data?

RLE Invest SA is committed to facilitating the exercise of your rights in accordance with applicable regulations. Below are the various rights you have:

  • Access rights: You can request access to your personal data and ask for the correction of inaccurate personal data or for the completion of incomplete personal data
  • Right to erasure/right to be forgotten: Your right to be forgotten allows your personal data to be deleted when:
    1. the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected;
    2. you decide to withdraw your consent;
    3. you object to the processing of your personal data;
    4. your personal data have been processed unlawfully;
    5. your personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation;
  • Right to limit processing: You may request to limit processing when:
    1. you dispute the accuracy of your personal data;
    2. RLE Invest SA no longer needs your personal data for the purposes of processing;
    3. you have objected to the processing on legitimate grounds.
    4. the processing of your personal data is unlawful and you prefer the restriction of its use rather than its deletion
  • Right to object: You have the right to object (“opt-out” right) to the processing of your personal data. Where we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. You can also withdraw your consent at the bottom of each email communication via a link to stop receiving advertising.
  • Right to lodge a complaint: You can decide to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority of the country of your usual residence. For Belgium this is the Data Protection Authority (DPA, 1000 Brussels, Rue de la Presse 35 –

To exercise your rights, please write to Tero
By e-mail: indicating your name, first name, e-mail address and if possible your customer reference.

How is your data secured?

RLE Invest SA takes into account the nature of the personal data and the risks involved in the processing to put in place appropriate technical, physical and organizational measures to preserve the security and confidentiality of personal data and to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties. RLE Invest SA chooses subcontractors or service providers who provide guarantees of quality, security, reliability and resources to ensure the implementation of technical and organizational measures including security of processing. Subcontractors and service providers undertake to respect levels of confidentiality at least equal to those of RLE Invest SA.

Are there any updates to our privacy policy?

We may update or change the Data Protection Policy when necessary. In this case, the changes made will only be applicable after 30 working days have elapsed since the change was made. Please check this page periodically for any changes.

How can you contact us?

If you have any questions or comments regarding this policy, please contact us at: